Letting go

Detachment- The Law of Detachment states that in order to manifest our desires, we must release attachment to the outcome itself as well as the path we might take to get there.

Oddly, sometimes it's hard to let go. Trust me, I'm one of those people who has a hard time letting go. But as we continue to recognize what we want out of life we begin to actively create that vision we have in mind…or as most know it today as MANIFESTATION. In manifestation we compound our energy in various ways to achieve a certain goal or ideal, but a noteworthy key of manifestation is letting the energy go once you've compounded your best thoughts and plans. If you do not let go nothing will ever manifest outwardly because you've kept the manifestation inside of you-let that sink in. We often like to plan every detail, and try to visualize exactly how we’d like to think something should play out- But when does ANYTHING go EXACTLY as planned to a T? Almost never, Because this is real life and life unfolds naturally and organically as it should. 

Sometimes we have fear in us, Fear of this and that. Sometimes we fear the unknown, and out of this fear we fail to act. In essence we never let go, and fail to act, because of fear…never allowing us to let go, and in never letting go we do not accomplish our manifestations.

Let go, and Let God-Mo


Energetic Responsibility


Supreme duty