Its yo world 🌍

Whatever thats going on in you is what you will see on the outside. You cannot run from this. You cant. As so within, As without. Meaning that your outer world is a reflection of what's inside of you.

If you are feeling angry, you will attract angry situations in your life. If you are feeling anxious inside, you will begin to see all the anxiety around you. If you are feeling confused, your life will continue to be confusing. If you feel successful on the other hand your vibration will match that of success, and you will attract it into your life with every breath you take. The same goes for every other good feeling as well. It's our world…meaning, whatever world we want to create internally and externally is all up to us. Whether it's good we're creating or bad, it's our choice. God gave us free will to do as we please. 

However, with this knowledge. We see that we can build the life that we desire by shaping our lives everyday internally, surely shaping it outwardly as well…Our heaven on earth. This is what we can do, and what we will do on our Journeys. With love and Peace, Mo.


The Good Energy Program| Cultivation of good energy Pt.1


Energetic Responsibility