To be in the flow state of life, one must be in the flow state within. To be connected to everyone and everything as many try to do, one must be connected to self. To be alive doesn’t mean to live, as many people are technically alive many people are not living to their fullest potential because they are giving to outside forces more than they are giving to themselves.
To be able to love another or others- one must love oneself first. A couple of my brothers , Benarge & Quentin has been speaking on this lately and it resonates with me as I’ve had the same thoughts.
You see… this flow state is a God state of mind… Actually Flow state should be your NORMAL state but many distractions has been created in the human experience within the last century that’s deliberately hindering this “Flow state” for most. THE FLOW STATE IS A GOD STATE OF MIND, AND DISTRACTIONS HAVE BEEN CREATED TO SEPARATE YOU FROM THE GOD THAT RESIDES IN YOU! You see to flow, you must be in tune with self! 👏🏿
It’s possible to attract everything you desire… just by tapping into self✨. With love and light 💡 - Mo