The GOOD ENERGY PROGRAM |Controlling thoughts

We often have so many thoughts a day, that it sometime can overwhelm us. 

We might think about things that do not serve us, or have our thoughts tied up in a past that no longer exists.

We have so many thoughts, that we actually forget to think about THOUGHT itself. The mechanism of thought 💭 

From grade school to high school we learned many things, but one thing that would clear a lot of mystery that we wade into as we get older is foremost the control over what we think about. We never learn that “We become what we think about”-Earl Nightingale. We aren’t taught that what we think about on a daily basis is what continually molds our minds.

 In today’s world Mental Clarity is a top notch necessity in life or else things can get quite confusing fast in our highly informative world these days. We can gain that clarity by choosing to think about what you positively want to see in your focusing your attention (Thought/Life Force) in what you wish to manifest!

The path of throwing garbage away that’s lingering in your head ( Unresolved emotions, Fearful thoughts, Anxious, and Depressive thoughts) is a path that must be trodden. With highs and lows that day by day shape your character. Manifestation? Many are into the concept today, and controlling and directing thought is the first step to manifestation of any sort. Yes, you have the power to get anything in this world simply by consciously, steadfastly placing your attention on it - your thought 💭 

With love & light-Mo


The Good Energy Program| Cultivation of good energy Pt.1